a When my love swears that she is made of truth
b I do believe her, though I know she lyes,
a That she might think me some untuterd youth,
b Unlearned in the world's false subtleties.
c Thus vainely thinking that she thinks me young,
d Although she knows my dayes are past the best,
c Simply I credit her false speaking tongue:
d On both sides thus is simple truth suppressd.
e But wherefore says she not she is unjust?
f And wherefore say not I that I am old?
e O, love's best habit is in seeming trust,
f And age in love loves not to have yeares told:
g Therefore I lye with her and she with me,
g And in our faults by lyes we flatter'd be.
"Lye" (lie) could mean either
Which one would you pick, or is the poem deliberately ambiguous?
The word "truth" here is being used in the sense of OED n. 4.
In this case, "that" means "so that" (OED conj. 4b.)
What is the logic here for the poet?
Stricly speaking, this should be OED 1.
In this case, "credit" means "believe" (OED v 1a.)
Why use the word credit?
"Wherefore" means "why" (OED adv 2)
Why use this word instead of, for example, "why then," which would also fit the meter?
Habit could either be "bearing or behavior" (OED n. 4) or "custom" (OED n. 9a).
Which do you think is right, or is this ambiguous. And why choose this word instead of a synonym?
The meter of this line could simply be iambic:
u / u / u / u / u /
u u / /
How would read the line and why?
Notice that the rhume scheme divides the poem into four "quatrains" of four lines each, followed by a couplet. This has come to define the "Shakespearean Sonnet." The rhyme scheme suggests that each quatrain functions as a unit. Can you see any clues in the poem that this is true here?
The ending couplet, coming after more complex quatrains, usually generates a strong sense of closure (ending) for a sonnet. But sometimes that closure is partially contradicted by other factors. How final do you think the closure is in this sonnet?